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BUTTERFLY OUTDOOR Thursday, June 16, 2011 Theme

Windows has greatly improved in what refers to its visual aspect in the last editions, but it is still a bit boring, at least if we take into account other operating systems. To solve this "problem" there are hundreds of themes that can be applied, but some of them can be practically impossible to integrate into the system.

To make this job easier we can opt to use MyColors, a theme manager for Windows that we can use to change the visual theme every time we think it is necessary with only a couple of clicks.

From MyColors we can download new themes, because the manager only includes one defect theme, many of them are free and others can only be acquired by paying, that will be stored on our computer and that we will be able to use whenever we want. There are different styles that you can download: from themes related to college football, NHL themes, classic car and motocycle themes, to others focused at the full family.

If you want to give your edition of Windows a modern and nicer visual environment, don't think twice and download MyColors.

Note: This applications works on Windows XP, Vista and 7. (Except Windows XP 64-bit).

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